Mouth Ulcers: Causes, Treatment, and Relief Tips

Mouth Ulcers: Causes, Treatment, and Relief Tips

October 23. 2024

Dr Faizah Ahmed General Dentist, BDS, MSc oral surgery (London), MFDS RCS England.   Mouth ulcer is a sore that appears anywhere in the mouth. They are non-contagious and usually appear as a white or yellowish lesion at the centre with red halo ring around. It may appear as a single ulcer or more than one in a group or scattered all around inside the mouth. Mouth ulcers are commonly seen on your
  • Gums
  • Tongue
  • Roof of the mouth (Palate)
  • Inner cheeks
  • Inner lips
  Causes of Mouth Ulcers
  • Local trauma (eg: Rubbing of sharp tooth, toothbrush or braces)
  • Certain medical conditions (eg: Anemia, Vitamin deficiency or rarely autoimmune conditions)
  • Side effects of some medications
Mouth ulcers are self-limiting which can heal by itself over a period of 1week to 10 days. However, If the mouth ulcer does not heal, and remain for more than 3weeks, then is alarming. Thus, long standing ulcers for more that 3 weeks need medical advice to rule out cancers. If there has been any previous ulcer that healed after 3 weeks, then again it makes cancer unlikely.   How can one treat mouth ulcers. Mouth ulcers need time to heal and there’s no quick fix.   Avoiding things that irritate your mouth ulcer should help:
  • Speed up healing process
  • Reduce pain
  • Reduce the chance of returning.
  • Use soft bristled toothbrushes
  • Drink soft drinks through the straw
  • Eat softer food
  • Get regular dental check-ups
  • Eat healthy and balanced diet.
  • Do not eat very spicy, salty or acidic food.
  • Do not eat rough, crunchy food such as toast or chips
  • Do not drink too hot or fizzy drinks directly-use straw.
  • Do not use toothpaste containing Sodium lauryl sulphate
  Visit your dentist if the ulcer persists and needs attention. You dentist will be able to prescribe you with mouthspray, painkiller gels, ointments or tablets. Please visit Sabah al Noor medical centre for your concerns. We are happy to help you.

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